Saturday 8 March 2008

Friday Thoughts

Not had a chance to write anything for over a week....

Well what have I been doing?

Well I have been hammering the gym under the close scrutiny of Andy. I am really enjoying it and amazing how good I feel although Monday to Thurs I am so tired. on the job front, I passed the interview and am currently being vetted (I know this sounds like some kind of medical procedure). So fingers crossed I am in and can finally start getting on with stuff again.

Well my temp job is starting to annoy me a little. I have discovered that the NHS is run by a new breed of power women. They are a mutation from the classic 80's power woman whom turned her back on the domestic life and donned a sharp suit and almost lesbonic features to become all powerful in this mans world. This new breed that I work amongst are a definite mutation from that strain. They are power hungry, but unfocused, still wear the classic mum attire and yearn to be pregnant all the time but unwilling to care for the children. This strange variation neither mum or power woman creates this ultimately hormonal person who can decide nothing without some kind of woman's meeting and extra support group making every minor decision making process a national event.
This concept kind of frightens me because you don't see this type of person coming. They look like your mum, a nice caring character but then turn out to rule the world. Personally this type is no good, lets go back to the original power women whom got the job done and squashed everyone in their way and made a whole generation of 80's children latch key kids!!!

Bring back the short spikey hair and the shoulder pad women!!!!!!

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