Wednesday 23 April 2008

Day Three In The Village

Well I am on Day 3 of my enforced week maybe weeks off till I start my new job in the Comms at Manchester!!! I never actually thought I would say this but I am missing being at work. Yesterday I cleaned my flat did all the shitty jobs I was putting off while I was working because in my mind I was far too busy!! I have all my washing done and throughout various locations in my home it looks like a laundry, I almost expect to see immigrant workers ironing in my bathroom there are that many clothes hanging around!
I went and picked up brake pads for my car something I have been meaning to do for weeks as the car is having increasing problems stopping, and finally at about 4pm yesterday I ran out of things to do!!!

I am now waiting in for a new mobile phone to be delivered as my nice pretty slim great phone has a terminal epidemic fault and my provider has said that its broken and they have to send me a different model phone! I am gutted but also slightly excited as it will kill an hour to reprogramme the new one get my theme and wall paper etc personalised in a very anally retentive way specifically for me!!

My mother stopped smoking on Monday, something which I did before Christmas, which although I know is good as smoking may be bad for you but I decided after taking my mother to the stop smoking clinic i realised that I actually enjoyed it. I am not going to start again as that would be just silly now but I realised that I no longer have a vice/addiction. I don't drink much I think that drugs are the worst thing on the planet I watch what I eat and now don't smoke.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a vice I can adopt, I think this maybe the solution to my time.

Also to add insult to injury whilst parking at the smoking clinic I reversed into another car. It was an old mini so compared to my golf I didn't have a chance to see the smallest most pointless car on the planet did I? He should pay me for damaging this pointless little piece of shit. I literally could not see it behind me via looking or in a mirror. I saw it the same as squashing a bug!! The guy jumped out of the car hissing swearing, full red faced the lot, I thought to myself I may have a fight on my hands here, my mum was hissing to me "let him hit you, then you can put a claim in" I do feel however it would be like falling and not putting your hands out to save yourself, allowing yourself to get hit!!
I jumped out the car and as soon as the guy realised that I was over a foot taller than him he kind of calmed down!!
My bumper was cracked and his grill was dented and his indicator cover was broken pretty minimal really. I was calm, he was screaming at me ish basically asking me why I was not mad! I simply said to him that I have more important things to worry about than a cracked piece of plastic and If I didn't I might as well kill myself as I am sad!!
Its not like the engine was damaged the car still moves. Of course I am slightly miffed but its a car, hardly a life or death situation!!
Here are the pictures of the damage I caused, I made sure I photographed the scene/evidence!!!

Going back to my boredom, I was informing Andrew whom is in Bristol with work, about my cabin fever, he suggest a arts and craft hobby like basket weaving!! I took this suggestion under my belt but have modified it slightly! I have decided to target my community where I live. not the best location with far too many Chavs for my liking! I now feel that to improve the 'Arts' and overall aesthetic appearance of my village It is my civic duty to eradicate the CHAV to this end I taking up the hobby of Shooting Chavs, I feel a much more worth while craft that making baskets!!

I have also pulled a muscle in my back, I dare say I wish to blame the gym! I really need a massage but refuse to pay!! I have therefore three options, try to massage my self, but I feel this may result in further injury, wait for Andrew to return on Thurs or contact my personal trainer friend and make him fix me, this would involve breaking my village prison and venturing into another town!!! Am I ready to do this after this enforced confinement!!

I have been looking at flats in Manchester also a very exciting option as I love moving, I hate packing but love moving as I get to organise a whole new home!! I don't know if Andrew is ready for this process!! I am sure he will get on board!!

Anyway I may update later in the programme!!

I wish myself happy Chav hunting!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

1. Does it have to be an actual "vice" (unhealthy and so forth) or can it just be a habit?

2. What is all over that guy's car? Is it rust or sap or blood or what? It's gross at any rate.

3. You should feel sorry for him because obviously he's not exactly rolling in dough (I deduce this from the appearance of the car), so that little piece of plastic may be almost all he's got.

4. He overreacted, as you said. You handled it properly. I liked your passive-aggressive response to his angst. Make him feel petty without saying it directly....muhahaha

5. Killing trashy people isn't really a great hobby, no matter how much fun it seems. Though I guess if you are really into CSI/forensics it would be good practice for your career to effectively cover up your crimes. It could be a real resume builder.

Northern Monkey said...

It does not have to an actual vice i premume u are talking about tools there, it just has to be a new habit!

It was rust on the car the only thing holding this pityful vehicle together!

I do feel sorry for him his whole life in a worthless piece of junk!!

Thanks for the comment