Friday, 18 April 2008

10.20 On the last day

Well its finally my last day working within the midst of the NHS. I cannot say this has been a bad job because the people are nice and it has allowed me to buy stuff and pay rent. I am looking forward to the next chapter in this never ending book that is my life!

I may have a few weeks off now before I commence my job in manchester so I intend to fully pass the time by going to the gym as a full time job and watching TV, a worthwhile cause I feel. I mean I can watch all the shit day time shows then go to the gym watch more afternoon shows they go the gym again. I fully intend to be slim toned and a bronzed adonis by the time I take on my new role......Earlier description open to change if for example I fail on this health mission!!

I am attending my leaving do tonight...suppose I have to go. I have sceduled a meal how civilized in a local new eating place. I am hoping they have a good wine list as I intend to drink it all!!

Going looking at a flat in Manchester in the morning which I will have to do completely hung over!!!

Its mine and Andrews 6 month Anniversary tomorrow so we are going out for a meal tomorrow evening, which should be good because it covers two of my favourite things.... Pubs and Food! (Oh sorry and Andrew of course)

Later in the programme people

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