Wednesday 9 April 2008


Well yesterday I found out that I am finishing at the NHS next Friday they have found some poor unfortunate soul to do my job!! May got have mercy on their souls!
I then will more than likely have two weeks off then start my new job!

I then had a very odd evening I developed a headache, which I swear was my brain trying to escape my head. After several mixtures of several types of pain killers I had sufficiently killed most of my brain off therefore I came to the conclusion problem solved!

I spoke to Andrew at bed time he is away with work, he really does work hard, well in theory anyway he he.... only joking!

So on Wednesday at work I decided that most of my energies should be put to good use and decided the location for my farewell meal and many drinks with work. I reviewed pubs and restaurants close enough to my house so I can make a sharp exit if the evening is going the way of the dinosaur but far enough so it actually feels like a night out he he.
I opted for a new pub on a swanky new housing development. I am hoping for lots of false promises about good food and service, so I can shout and the dilatory waitress and get the meal for free!! Not that I am cheap!!!

I then composed the email invite which I forwarded around the office. I shall now spend my morning tomorrow following up the replies.... No wonder the NHS nearly grinds to a halt with employees like me!

I then returned home, and telephoned Orange, whom provide me with my mobile phone. It has been playing up and they keep saying to me that its my phone and they want £70 to send me a new phone. Of course this has not been good enough as I already pay them enough. After several phone calls they finally admitted that their product may be programmed wrong, so they have couriered me a new phone and will be here tomorrow evening between 6-10.

I am now watching Family Guy Season 2, which I am really rather enjoying! I like this kind of mindless comedy, although I still cannot figure out how much they understand of what Stewy says???

Can anyone help?

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