Well I actually had a very productive day at work. I tasked myself on the online system yesterday certain targets and I completed them. Which is very unusual! I think I just got bored and actually decided to earn my living today he he. There is still two more days in the week left to slack off.
I got a letter from my interview and I have been progressed to the next stage. I was most confused at this non descript letter till I received a telephone call from the Vetting department saying that I was being vetted and my references checked so I can providing they come back OK be offered a position. I was so excited I have told everyone I have bumped into.
As as added complication I still have an interview to attend next Friday for the well paid boring job. Plus I seen one in London I fancy the look of too. Andrew is going to help me fill out the personal statement I have the perfect examples he has the eloquent English writing skills to make it sound human.
Been hammering the gym in the vain attempt to make myself look like I have to body of a god. I ache all over but I think I can see an improvement all ready. My muscles feel tight and in the coming weeks I hope I start to tone up. Andrew is a great trainer!
Yesterday at the gym we did legs. I pushed myself as my legs are my strongest feature, and boy did i regret it today walking into work like I had either had too much sex or to put it bluntly shit myself. I had loosened up by this evenings session, and that's a gym session. I met Andrew after fighting my way through the rush hour traffic and we did upper body work out the second one this week . I felt a bit of a failure as i could not complete all the reps in the sets. Andrew assured me this is good as It shows I am working out to my maximum potential.
I am taking protein and creatine to help my muscles grow.
I leave the gym feeling great say goodbye to Andrew and set off home. I arrive home tired, after a busy day at work and a good workout to find my ceiling in my living room hanging off.
See Picture. My landlord is in the process of replacing my roof and the exterior of my flat looks like it is encased with mecano. I am less than impressed with this as it looks very unsafe and I don't like the idea of having my ceiling come falling down around me. England was struck by an earthquake last night so I am unsure if this is roof repair guy falling through damage or mother nature.
I rang my father whom is a structural engineer and he said was it there this morning after the quake. I said last time I was in my home it was 7.30am I was just happy I was awake and walking not looking at the ceiling. I mean what else can he expect at that hour!!!
He seemed to think by my very technical description that the ceiling is broken that its just superficial and just needs the plasterboard replacing. Just more faff and hassle. Does this mean I will have to re decorate???
Whilst downloading this picture from my mobile phone I also downloaded a picture that I took on my way home from work the other day. It is so tranquil the sky and the bleeding lights from the cars. Let me know what u think.
I really should go into a career as a photographer!!!
Anyway enough for today I got boring household chores to do.
Sleep well all
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