Saturday, 9 February 2008

Friday Night Sat Morning

Well hello there all my faithful readers.

I went to the theatre last night with 7 women from work. I was hoping for a night of culture and sophistication. Which I got because no matter how big or amature the theatre is the hard core regulards seem to have this air of royalty around them, not sure why perhaps its in the cups of tea they drink there..... must try one next time. The play was called its never too late, it was a real life situation thing, man leaves wife for younger model, then wifes male friends are suddely like flies round dog shit for the newly single woman. Amusing and well put together.

However during this play I realised a few disturbing factors. When in a mans life do their trousers stop fitting them. My pants fit in all areas around the crotch and ass and in the leg. All the men involved in this production seemed to have a massive gaps and excess material in the whole genetal area. This is not to say that they were fat the the waist band was just clinging to their belly creating a triange kind of effect down towards the crotch. Is there a designer or some clothes shop that takes all the scrap pieces of material and sews them into perfectly nice clothes and then sells them to the over 50's. Suppose this in either the most ingenious idea cornering a market to make a fortune or the designer of these pants is a confessed sadist or fatter than hell. I wonder if it is about not wanting to show off your asscets. I cant imagine not wanting not to look your best when your out in public.
I mean yes I am not lookin for a new man but it can only be complimemtary for him If I look good cant it.

Another gem I gleamed from my night at the theatre is the ability to laugh politely at jokes that maybe you dont understand. I have always just said I dont get it. But several times last night I found myself just laughing at jokes or sayings that i did not understand. Is this growth.

Well currently my man is mid atlantic which I hate the idea of hense why I am up too early because I hate flying and feel that if you did not get a holiday at the end of it what is the point. It seems unatural to travel in a car on land down to tesco you have to wear your seatbelt al the time but to be 30000 ft travelling at 500mph you only have to wear it at the start and the end. Plus I dont like the idea of travelling that fast in basically a steel tube with seats held together with glue. I know they are a wonder of the modern age but I just cant get my head round th whole concept. I usually tackle flying the same way I deal with insomnia. Get annoyed and stressed or consult prince vallium then what ever happens at least your brain in that dulled you really could not care less.
Being drunk dont help either I was pissed on a flight to Zante a few years ago and I have never had such a mind altering experience has becomming very hung over midflight. I was dehydrated massive headache, mouth life a flip flop, and no pain killers to numb this. I got to zante and I think a blow up doll representation of me would have been more use to my friends in the trauma of collecting the bags.
Overall flying, drinkin, and travelling = trauma bad idea.

Well best go and get myself dressed and off to the supermarket then to the airport to pick up my man. I am very excited.

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