Hi I am really miffed with being a lonely temp today. I got stuck with all the shitty work within the office to do because the rest of the team went to a meeting, which I had some good ideas about but as I am more than transparent my opinions dont matter. So as a sad piece of revenge whilst they were all away sipping coffee and eating overpriced biscuits talking about their kids ailments I selected all the phones divert to voicemail and I took a long lunch. My demonstration of defiance would have had more weight if they actually knew what I had done, but nevertheless I felt better.
I emailed andrew and enquired about the state of his yankee flu. It was a little better he said which is all good, and he suggested the chippy for tea. So bad but so good.
Then on my way home I was slowly driving in the rush hour traffic when I noticed the guy driving in the car behind me. He was also in a nice VW golf so instantly my competitative streak kicked in.....was his car better than mine, after I decided that he was a mere petrol model, I then noticed his sunglasses. They were round, absolutely massive, they filled his face, he looked like a walking talking fruit fly. I asked myself the question WHY!!! Why would you purchase something so foul. Did he purchase them in the dark in a sunglasses shop with no mirrors. I mean his friends should have Vito'ed this purchase before his visa was approved at the checkout.
I regret not having telepathy as I could have informed him of what I see when I looked at him. Coupled with his unkempt hair, this sight may keep me awake tonight, or at the very least I will be looking at flies in a different light for the next few days.
I emailed andrew and enquired about the state of his yankee flu. It was a little better he said which is all good, and he suggested the chippy for tea. So bad but so good.
Then on my way home I was slowly driving in the rush hour traffic when I noticed the guy driving in the car behind me. He was also in a nice VW golf so instantly my competitative streak kicked in.....was his car better than mine, after I decided that he was a mere petrol model, I then noticed his sunglasses. They were round, absolutely massive, they filled his face, he looked like a walking talking fruit fly. I asked myself the question WHY!!! Why would you purchase something so foul. Did he purchase them in the dark in a sunglasses shop with no mirrors. I mean his friends should have Vito'ed this purchase before his visa was approved at the checkout.
I regret not having telepathy as I could have informed him of what I see when I looked at him. Coupled with his unkempt hair, this sight may keep me awake tonight, or at the very least I will be looking at flies in a different light for the next few days.

Later Potatta
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