Thursday, 21 February 2008

My God Decisions Decisions

As if life does not get complicated enough then the world throws more complications just to make it interesting!!!!

It’s based around my employment status and I will attempt to explain. Jobs I have in progress are

1) Police Officer - I am at the second stage, its a good career, good pension, weird hours, but interesting and as close to forensics as I think I can get as real forensics is too competative. Possible 60mile commute
2) Call handler job at A police HQ - Weird hours, tedious work, and excellent networking possibility to get into forensics, 60 mile commute, and good money.
3) Intelligence analyst for the A health agency for NHS, boring work, good skills to be learnt, good relocation opportunity within the NHS, no commute its 5 mins from home, good money, but its not police or forensics or related.

I have interviews for all of them and I am trying to think 3 steps ahead of time. Things I like in a job are variation, so the Department of health and police would give that, I do like regular hours but I also like things changing so all of them satisfy that criteria. Money is an issue but all of them are a similar starting wage approx 20 grand. I do like working on the move so the police would give that but I am not sure I would be a good police officer.
Obviously I May get none of them but I could also end up with all of them. The police officer one is long term suppose so can put that on the back burner, but the other two are imminent. I also am just about to apply for a Fingerprint Assistant job with Lancashire police, which is forensics local, and ok money but who knows if I will even get an interview for this. My brain is on fire please can someone leave me a comment and help me.!!!!!

Andrew is away this evening on a business thingie near St Ives somewhere!!! He rang before and I gave him a data burst of all this and he was so sweet and told me that we will discuss it tomorrow face to face and go through all the possibilities and for me to switch my brain off for this evening. I think I may just do that.
It was our 4 month anniversary on Tuesday! It has flown by to be honest and I can say I have enjoyed every second and Andrew deserves a medal for putting up with my over active brain.!! I don’t think you can think too much, I plan for everything ha ha

On a cool note I planned a surprise trip for me and Andrew to see his best friend in London. Well it was a surprise till I crumbled under interrogation. But he is very happy! I am kind of scared about meeting his best friend!! Just got to book the train tickets now next week.

I also got Andy finalised for a week in Greece in June!!! I can’t wait I love it there, feels more like home than England to be honest!

Well enough ranting for one evening. Please feel free to leave me a comment regarding the job thing!


Anonymous said...

take a sheet of paper for each job, write the name of the job at the top and draw a line down the middle. On the left side put a + and on the left side a -. Then start listing everything you can think of pertaining to each. Go back to the papers and circle the most important item in each column. Then turn them over and go to bed, sleep on it and visit the whole thing fresh the next day. Usually your feelings will emerge about the plusses and minuses. I do this with the most mundane decisions, usually in my head whilst stuck in traffic.

Philip Pirrip said...

forget about the call handler job. i think that you would be bored of it shortly after you began. the other two sound great.

congratulations on your four month anniversary! will be entertaining to hear about your trip to visit lp in london!