Sunday 29 March 2009

Back again so soon

Well here goes almost a year on from my last post I am back. Bet the world had just let out a massive sign of relief!! However no your not safe he is back with even more ammo now to rant on about to amuse you the masses.

Over the past year I have decided there are alot of thing in this world that are just not normal!!!
Odd things that I see almost out of the corner of my my eye that occur around me at any point within the day wherever I seem to be. I am going to update these very odd occurances in this blog to hopefully prove that either I am insane or there are odd things occuring almost like a spectre we can only sometimes see !!!

Well going back to some element of normal for a moment in the past year lots of things have occured generally in my life. I have changed careers, geographical localtion, changed again job titles and been out of the country!! And all of this I have managed to do in 8 months and not get a single grey hair....... Ok 2 but they were plucked from my scalp and sacrificially burned never to return.

I now live with Andrew my long suffereng boyfriend who now endures my daily databurts of all the weird and wonderful things that happen to me everyday. I think for his own mental health he should invest in earoplugs.
I now have the best commute to work in the world it take the grand old time of 15 mins to totter down the road and I am sat at my desk. I started one job and now got another 7 months later I am slowly taking over the world!!! Shhhhhh dont tell anyone.
On the whole things are going great at the minute.

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