Well monday was the medical and apparently I can hear very well, So all these years when I was coinvicned that my lack of ability to hear anything anyone was saying is purly selective, people really need to keep my attention alot better!!!
Then I was up at 4am the next day to drive to Lincoln, I arrive at 07.30 a time usually spent sat in my kitchen at home waking up but this day I am wandering around a desolate but nice looking city centre!!
I have my interview and do my best, there were two internal candidates there so I dont hold out much hope. After the interview I realsied that my facination with lincoln is a little bit well a pipe dream, Yes when I lived there I had fun, but this town does not change, nothing happens there, Its like a safety town, I think I just associate this place with good memories hence why I like it.
I decided by the end that this is a nice place to visit but not to live!!
On thursday After work I headed to the Gym did a moderate work out with andrew then went to go meet my friend The Overlord for a brew at starbucks. I arrived early and ordered my coffee and sat alone in a corner viewing the room. This is one of my favourite past times, people watching. After several sips of my skinny I find myself staring at a group of woman sat around the table in front of me. They are a mixture of people, old/young, fat/thin, mumsy types, professional types all sat there gossiping! It took me several minutes but then I realiesed what was facinating me. There were all sat there knitting. Fuckin Knitting!!! What the hell is that about, In the middle of starbucks inside a huge book store there are these 10 women all sat there knitting away to their hearts content!!!
This is possible the most surreal thing I have come across in recent weeks!!
I then suddenly realised that society is wrong.
You would be arrested for carring around any weapon that was pointed sharp and like a foot long, classing it as lethal weapon, but there is nothing to stop these women carrying around foot long spears of wood!! I decided to keep my distance as one wrong word could possible push one of these women over the edge and I could end up empailed ofr worse with a set in my hand and a knitting pattern on my lap!!!!!
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