Monday, 31 March 2008

The Weekend In The Big Smoke

I have had the best weekend.  This weekend I met my mans best friend whom I had heard lots about.  We arrived just after tea and after out train ride and the brief trip on the sewer train, which was much nicer and clean after the last time I was in out nations capital we arrived at our accommodation for the weekend!  We decided to get a beer and assess the food situation as I have a nut allergy and eating out is always a disaster.  In the end we opted for KFC and met LP and retired to the comfort of his gracious drawing room.  
LP is exactly how Andrew had described and I can see why Andrew keeps him on side as a best friend.  LP is alot more charming than Andrew said with an addictive personality!!
I was very quiet to tell the truth which Andrew told me was very unnerving as I don't usually shut up.  I didn't want to promote my loud mouth on the initial visit I feel my unique mind is something that is best to be introduced to slowly he he I decided to dial down the crazy!!
LP left us to it as his beloved man was suffering with man flu and he attended to attempt a Florence Nightingale bit!  This lasted an hour as the patient seemed beyond repair.  
The next day I demanded a more tourist approach to the day and me and Andrew visited the Cabinet War rooms a prospect that I am sure excited sad little old me more than him but in true British style he kept a stiff upper lip!  In the evening time we went out with LP to meet his boyfriend (the incubus of some kind of plague) and another of his friends whom I think goes by the name of Mean, we went to a coffee shop for some late night caffeine.  Considering we were all gay men there was very little drama and a chill out out night was had by all.  I was more than impressed with the calorie control dedication demonstrated by LP when devouring a choccie muffin, the taste was savoured then the contents ejected into a tissue! Me and Andrew finished off the evening by wandering around Old Compton street.
I must say I am impressed by the nations capital these days so clean and I felt safe... Well done labour!!
 Although I did find this odd man on the tube

I must attract all the odd people goin!!!

On sunday this consisted of a slow start thanks to BST beginning and us losing an hour, but after more wandering around we met LP and his friend a most pleasant lady for a coffee at apostrophe, I know its childish but I want to start a rival chain called comma!!!!
There i witnessed the most solidified hot chocolate of my life which had to be eaten with a spoon rather than drank.  Maybe its endorsed by skint dentists to drum up more cavity work.  It certainly looked impressive!  
It was then a quick tube back to LP abode pack and off back to Euston for the train home!

Today has consisted of washing and faffing and we cleaned both our cars out!

Overall I hope I managed to make a good impression on my mans best friend as its important to me that we get on as I know how important he is to Andrew! Am waiting for some all important feedback! 

Will update once I have processed my weekend too much to write in one sitting


Monday, 24 March 2008

Holiday Monday!

I am becomming very down in the dumps about having to go back to work tomorrow after 4 days off. Especially since I have moved offices and this will totally mess up my obsessive compulsive traits as nothing on my desk will be where it was in fact it wont even be my desk and it will be in another building!! I spy a day of stressing about how things just are not in order approaching!! I must take lots of coffee and chocolate with me to distract!

I have had a great easter weekend. On friday night I went fot a very Chez posh meal with Andrew at a restautrant I used to run. It has gone so fancy since I left maybe they were trying to tell me something? I had duck breast with a potato yes a potatoe some carrots and a gravy thing, and Andrew had vennison with pretty much the same potatoe and veg combo, althoug he has the sense to order a side order of chips!! Andrew did bring the tone down to a more comfortable level by ordering off the cocktail menu to be served to us in the restaurant, I was more than impressed with his brazeness (crappy spelling I Know).

Today we went into preston after a lazy start of watching Hull FC get beaten again at rugby!!
I had spotted a bag in a suit shop that I am convinced I have to have, when I start my new job I decided I would need some kind of luggage to carry my lunch, etc with me and this bag seems perfect. Its brown leather sort of messanger bag very retro with a brass dunlop logo on the corner. I intend to take it to london next weekend to trial its user friendly features!! Andrew said it was a bargain at only £12. We then saw it for £20 in debenhams and £19 in republic!! Double bonus!!

I really do think that in 20 years men will have full bags all the time just like women do today! It is so unfair that men are expected to carry around junk in two flaps of material at the top of thier thighs when a woman is allowed to carry a bag of infinate size!!


Later Potata!!!!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Tuesday 15th of Marcheo

Well I am day two into the four day week, thank Christ for bank holidays.  I am looking forward to this one as it’s the first one I have ever had off work with one thing and another.  I am not sure what to do with a 4 day weekend!!!  Any suggestions?


I have just eaten my lunch at work and I had every intention of being very healthy and brought a low fat tin of some pasta and sauce stuff.  But by the time lunch time came a packet off crisps and a coffee seems like a much easier option than opening a tin putting it in a bowl and then serving it up!!


As mentioned in a previous blog, I talked about my discovery of the new breed of power women!  This became evident today in the office, when the power women collided over a struggle of power.  In the 80’s this would have been a fight to the death and only the strongest super hero power woman would have won, however now with this whimsical mumsy power woman the build up to the even was great, the circling of the vultures, the venom spitting from each other mouths culminated in a fight which consisted of apologies and cups of tea coupled with hair highlighting tips.  Agghhhhhhhhhhhh and still no decision was made!!!!!!!!!  No solution to the problems……But its ok at least they got the name and address of a good hair dresser…. I am becoming despondent with the whole situation and decided they either need a good man to give them a good seeing to or a course of male hormones to reassert the aggressive power woman from days gone by!!!


Long live the shoulder pad !!!

I decided mid afternoon to take a consittudional in the sun to get me out of the flourscent light cell i work within. I decided to walk around the site and discovered to my amazement absolutely nothing of interest.  Rows of parked cars and random people sneaking out of their office to have a sneaky cigarette.  

I was wandering then out of the corner of my eye i saw a massive lorry driving down the road with what looked like a 40 ft licquorise allsort on the back.  I was amazed and suddenly wondered if this is what it would be like to be a borrower,  Anyone else remember that show?

Its mine and Andrews 5 Month anniversary tomorrow!! I am as happy as the day we met!

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Monday -Thurs Condensed

I have had a pretty interesting week.

Well monday was the medical and apparently I can hear very well,  So all these years when I was coinvicned that my lack of ability to hear anything anyone was saying is purly selective,  people really need to keep my attention alot better!!!
Then I was up at 4am the next day to drive to Lincoln, I arrive at 07.30 a time usually spent sat in my kitchen at home waking up but this day I am wandering around a desolate but nice looking city centre!!
I have my interview and do my best, there were two internal candidates there so I dont hold out much hope.  After the interview I realsied that my facination with lincoln is a little bit well a pipe dream, Yes when I lived there I had fun, but this town does not change, nothing happens there, Its like a safety town, I think I just associate this place with good memories hence why I like it.  
I decided by the end that this is a nice place to visit but not to live!!

On thursday After work I headed to the Gym did a moderate work out with andrew then went to go meet my friend The Overlord for a brew at starbucks.  I arrived early and ordered my coffee and sat alone in a corner viewing the room.  This is one of my favourite past times, people watching.  After several sips of my skinny I find myself staring at a group of woman sat around the table in front of me.  They are a mixture of people, old/young, fat/thin, mumsy types, professional types all sat there gossiping!  It took me several minutes but then I realiesed what was facinating me.  There were all sat there knitting.  Fuckin Knitting!!! What the hell is that about, In the middle of starbucks inside a huge book store there are these 10 women all sat there knitting away to their hearts content!!!
This is possible the most surreal thing I have come across in recent weeks!!  
I then suddenly realised that society is wrong.  
You would be arrested for carring around any weapon that was pointed sharp and like a foot long, classing it as lethal weapon, but there is nothing to stop these women carrying around foot long spears of wood!!  I decided to keep my distance as one wrong word could possible push one of these women over the edge and I could end up empailed ofr worse with a set in my hand and a knitting pattern on my lap!!!!!


Sunday, 9 March 2008


Well its curently 9.20 pm and I am half watching Supernatural whilst typing this. Its such a great programe and the eye candy is not to shabby either!

I have got a medical assessment at the police assessment centre in the morning. I think its just a eye sight and hearing test, so that should not be a problem as long as my selective hearing and wandering vacant stare does not kick in. I really do try and keep those under wraps but so much these days bores me.

I am goin down south in a couple of weeks with andrew. I am getting very nervous as we are going to see his friend, whom I have heard lots about but am very nervous about meeting in the flesh! I am looking forward to going to London one of my favourite cities which I dont get to visit as often as I would like! I fully intend to enjoy every minute, I wonder if i can still watch CSI while I am there, would that be too rude!!!

Andrew is coming with me tomorrow for my medical because after we are going into manchester for a tad of shopping then a trip to the Ikea in Ashton as he wants to but this book case arrangement for his bedroom to replace the computer table as it is surplus to requirements after all his computer is attached to the tv of cinema sized proportions he now has in his bedroom.
So an evening of flat pack building is on the cards me thinks.

On tues I have to then drive to lincoln for another job interview. Its for my dream job as a CSI but I have very mixed feelings about a move there as I truly want to move to the city and this is moving backwards even furthur to the country plus it would be miles and miles away from andy. Good job but some bad points!!!!
Another item to add to the back catalogue for my brain to obsess about in the many vacant parts of the day!!
I swear its dangerous for me to be alone with my own thoughts. I really wish I could employ someone to make all my major life decisions, I cant decide what to have for food let alone life changing work decisions!!!!

Anways enough for this evening write to you all tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, 8 March 2008


Well last night was interesting. Andy told me on friday morning to be at my flat at 17.15 and be ready to leave and go somewhere else.
How criptic!!!! A Supprise!!!!

I duly arrived home got changed had a quick wash and got in his car and we were off down the M6 heading south. I was trying using my best Forensic analytical powers to pluck any information out of him. All he would say is that its gonna be good and it involved food... At this point I was content my stomach feeling like it was shrinking by the minutes and I would need a red cross food drop at any minute.

We arrived some 30 minutes later and parked down a side street. Only when facing the stadium I realised he had organised us to go watch his favourite Rugby team. I was so happy this was such a thoughtful supprise I had never been to see rugby and only understood the basics. Of course Andy is a mine of rugby info so I thought I would not struggle. I was afraid I would look like a total novice there but the game was great and within 30 mins I was into it and getting very irate when his team was not doing well! My second suppride which I was assured was food offered the gourmet dining of the Crispy Cod Chippy. Where as in the title served excellent crispy battered cod which was very nice. Calories not counted in this meal.!!!!
I actually really enjoyed the rugby, I have never been one for entertaining sports but there is something about this game. Rough and random yet elegant and controlled, and there is lots of men in tight shorts of course!!!!!!

On the way home he swung by ikea and 3 and a half days later we exit as per usual (Why can you not just nip in and out that shop) we are on out way to my house. I was completely exhausted so much so I was practically sleep walking by the time we got home!

Friday Thoughts

Not had a chance to write anything for over a week....

Well what have I been doing?

Well I have been hammering the gym under the close scrutiny of Andy. I am really enjoying it and amazing how good I feel although Monday to Thurs I am so tired. on the job front, I passed the interview and am currently being vetted (I know this sounds like some kind of medical procedure). So fingers crossed I am in and can finally start getting on with stuff again.

Well my temp job is starting to annoy me a little. I have discovered that the NHS is run by a new breed of power women. They are a mutation from the classic 80's power woman whom turned her back on the domestic life and donned a sharp suit and almost lesbonic features to become all powerful in this mans world. This new breed that I work amongst are a definite mutation from that strain. They are power hungry, but unfocused, still wear the classic mum attire and yearn to be pregnant all the time but unwilling to care for the children. This strange variation neither mum or power woman creates this ultimately hormonal person who can decide nothing without some kind of woman's meeting and extra support group making every minor decision making process a national event.
This concept kind of frightens me because you don't see this type of person coming. They look like your mum, a nice caring character but then turn out to rule the world. Personally this type is no good, lets go back to the original power women whom got the job done and squashed everyone in their way and made a whole generation of 80's children latch key kids!!!

Bring back the short spikey hair and the shoulder pad women!!!!!!